Due to COVID-19 concerns we have to push the date of Beatersville again and hopefully, this is the last time.

The new, NEW date for Beatersville is:
Sunday, September 6th, 2020

We are also moving to the Bullitt County Fairgrounds 964 Clermont Rd, Shepherdsville, KY 40165. We planned on hosting a new show on Sept 6th, Mother Truckin’ Truck & Van Show but have decided to just combine the two.

The plan is to split the venue to a Beatersville side and a Mother Truckin’ side. If you have a truck that is newer than 68 it will go in Mother Truckin, if you have an older truck you can decide which side to park on. Registration for both shows is the same. We will have Beatersville Awards and Mother Truckin’ Awards. 

All vehicles will be available to view with one entry fee.

This is a one-time change, hopefully in 2021 Beatersville will return to the Sunday before Memorial Day in the Warehouse District of Louisville.