Miss Beatersville registration will open on Friday, March 28th, 2025.

Fill out my online form.

Online Contest:
Registration for the online contest will close on Friday, April 25th at noon.
Online voting starts on Friday, May 2nd at 10am and closes on Friday, May 23th at 4 pm.
The three contestants with the most likes on their Miss Beatersville Contestant picture will win $25/$15/$10. That money will go directly into their vote count and put them higher in the running for the Grand Prize that will be awarded at the show right after the awards.

Want to check out previous contestants, just click here.

Past winners have walked away with over $1100 in cash!

Images should be .jpg and as close to 600px x 400px at 150 dpi as you can get. Please do not include watermarked photos. We will add a photo credit if you include that info on the form but watermarks and photographer logos are not permitted. All contestants are responsible for clearing photo rights and by entering the contest you agree to let us format the photo for the contest, which basically means we will reduce or enlarge it so all contestant photos are a consistent size.

Once online voting begins:
Contestants will want to direct all their friends & family to their official “Miss Beatersville Contestant” photo on the Beatersville Facebook page and have them “like” it. 
The three contestants with the most likes at the end of voting will win the online contest. Voting will end on Friday, May 28th at 4 pm and the winners will be announced shortly after. 
You do not have to participate in the online contest to win the Grand Prize, but it is recommended.
Ladies, please do NOT buy votes. It is VERY easy for us to tell when you have done this and it is so not worth it. This is supposed to be a fun event so don’t ruin the fun by buying votes, we will disqualify you!

Day of the show:

Each eligible contestant must check in at the merch table at 11:30. We will start the intro on stage around 11:45 all Miss Beatersville contestants will be introduced to the crowd, and directly following, voting begins. Voting at the show is by crowd response. Each contestant will have a container located at the merch table with your photo and name on it for collecting votes. A vote = $1. The contestant with the most votes at the end of the contest will be crowned Miss Beatersville 2021 and will win all the money that has been collected by all the other contestants and any other prizes offered. 
Contestants are encouraged to have their photos taken with a voter or car, or bike or what-not for votes. Miss Beatersville will be crowned after the awards ceremony and all contestants must be on site. If the winning contestant is not on-site, the next highest vote count will win the Grand Prize and all the money. In the case of a tie, there will be a final vote decided by crowd response at the crowning. The contestant with the loudest crowd response as gauged by the judges will be the winner and crowned Miss Beatersville.

Miss Beatersville Rules

  • Do NOT buy online likes, it’s VERY easy to tell when you’ve done this and it’s just a great way to ruin a fun part of the car show. If we find you have bought votes we WILL disqualify you!
  • Must be eighteen years or older and have a valid state issued ID.
  • Contestants do not have to be in the online contest to participate in the contest and can register up the day of the show.
  • Contestants must be at the venue and check-in at the merch table before being introduced or you could be disqualified and any online votes might go to the next contestant in line.
  • If you do not get your submission in before the online contest starts we can still add you to the contest, however it could be several days before your photo is posted. 
  • No Cheating! Anyone caught cheating will forfeit without notice. We will not warn or tell you, we will just take you out of the contest and all of your votes will go to the next contestant in line.
  • No lewd or aggressive behavior to voters, other contestants, or Beatersville staff.
  • One vote per person.
  • Each voter can vote with either a $1 or a $5, $1 = one vote, $5 = five votes anything dropped into a bucket above $5 will be counted as 5 votes.
  • All submitted photos could be included in the Beatersville website and or social sites. It is the responsibility of the contestant to ensure that photo clearance is given by the photographer.
  • All non-winning contestants agree to give up their votes if they do not win.
  • Any and all discretions will be handled by the judges, and their word is final and binding.
  • Have Fun!